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Would you like to advertise with us? Simply get in touch to find out more.

You can set up an advertisement with us for $1 a day. It will be promoted in the What's Going On? section on the Home page so visitors will be able to see your advertisement as soon as they open our website. You can have your advertisement up for at most a year and there will be a discount depending on the number of days your advertisement is promoted for.

Here is a table of prices:

A Day

A Week

A Month

A Year

$1 per day up to 6 days

$6 per week up to 3 weeks

$20 per month up to 11 months

$230 per year

We could also promote it through a banner-like pop-up that will appear at the top of the Home page. This is a more effective way to advertise if your team has a fundraiser coming up or something important to announce. We will create a banner devoted to your team with an image of your choosing. The banner promotion costs $2 a day.

For information regarding advertisement options:

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